* @file Core library for **YTMP3** project.
* This module contains the core functionality for **YTMP3** project.
* It utilizes the [@distube/ytdl-core](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@distube/ytdl-core) (to download YouTube videos) and
* [fluent-ffmpeg](https://www.npmjs.com/package/fluent-ffmpeg) (to convert audio formats) libraries.
* This module provides APIs to easily download YouTube videos (also supports YouTube Music) and convert them to MP3 format.
* The output MP3 files are stored in the specified output directory named `download` relatively to the project's root directory.
* You can download a single YouTube video or a bunch of YouTube videos from a file as audio files and convert them to MP3 format.
* If you want to download a single YouTube video, please use the {@link module:ytmp3~singleDownload `singleDownload`} function.
* Or if you want to download a bunch of YouTube videos, first you need to store all YouTube URLs in a file and then use the
* {@link module:ytmp3~batchDownload `batchDownload`} function to download them by passing the path of the file.
* @example <caption> Download a single YouTube video </caption>
* const ytmp3 = require('ytmp3-js');
* ytmp3.singleDownload('https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=<VIDEO_ID>')
* .then(outputFile => console.log('Download complete:', outputFile))
* .catch(err => console.error('Download failed:', err));
* @example <caption> Download a batch of YouTube videos </caption>
* const ytmp3 = require('ytmp3-js');
* ytmp3.batchDownload('./urls.txt')
* .then(outputFiles => {
* for (const outFile of outputFiles) {
* console.log('Download complete:', outFile);
* }
* })
* .catch(err => console.error('Download failed:', err));
* @module ytmp3
* @version 1.1.0
* @requires audioconv
* @requires utils
* @author Ryuu Mitsuki <https://github.com/mitsuki31>
* @license MIT
* @since 1.0.0
'use strict';
const fs = require('fs'), // File system module
os = require('os'), // OS module
path = require('path'), // Path module
ytdl = require('@distube/ytdl-core'); // Youtube Downloader module
const {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
Readable // only for type declaration
} = require('stream');
const {
logger: log,
} = require('./utils');
const {
defaultOptions: defaultAudioConvOptions
} = require('./audioconv');
* The video information object.
* @typedef {Object} VideoData
* @property {ytdl.videoInfo} info - The video information object retrieved using
* `ytdl.getInfo()` function.
* @property {ytdl.videoFormat} format - The chosen audio format for downloading.
* @property {string} title - The sanitized title of the video, with illegal
* characters replaced by underscores.
* @property {string} author - The name of the video's author.
* @property {string} videoUrl - The URL of the video.
* @property {string} videoId - The ID of the video.
* @property {string} channelId - The ID of the channel that uploaded the video.
* @property {number} viewers - The view count of the video.
* @private
* @since 1.0.0
* The download result object returned by the {@link downloadAudio} function.
* @typedef {Object} DownloadResult
* @property {ytdl.videoInfo} videoInfo - The raw video information object.
* @property {VideoData} videoData - The processed video data object
* containing sanitized and formatted information.
* @property {Readable} download - The download stream for the audio.
* @private
* @since 1.0.0
* An object to configure the download process on {@link module:ytmp3~singleDownload `singleDownload`}
* and {@link module:ytmp3~batchDownload `batchDownload`} functions.
* @typedef {Object} DownloadOptions
* @property {string} [cwd='.'] - The current working directory. If not specified, defaults
* to the current directory.
* @property {string} [outDir='.'] - The output directory where downloaded files will be saved.
* If not specified, defaults to the current directory.
* @property {boolean} [convertAudio=true] - Whether to convert the downloaded audio to a specified
* format. Defaults to `true`.
* @property {ConvertAudioOptions} [converterOptions=audiconv.defaultOptions]
* Options for the audio converter. If not specified, defaults to {@link module:audioconv~defaultOptions `defaultOptions`}.
* @property {boolean} [quiet=false] - Whether to suppress console output. Defaults to `false`.
* @global
* @since 1.0.0
// region Constants
* The library name.
* @constant
* @default
* @public
const NAME = 'ytmp3';
* The library version.
* @constant
* @public
const VERSION = require('../package.json').version;
* The library version information in a frozen object.
* @property {number} major - The major version number.
* @property {number} minor - The minor version number.
* @property {number} patch - The patch version number.
* @property {string} build - The build information of current version (i.e., stable).
* @readonly
* @public
* @since 1.1.0
const VERSION_INFO = (() => {
const [ major, minor, patch, build ] = VERSION.split(/[.-]/g);
return Object.freeze({
major: Number.parseInt(major),
minor: Number.parseInt(minor),
patch: Number.parseInt(patch),
build: !build ? 'stable' : build });
delete VERSION_INFO.prototype;
// Prevent the 'ytdl-core' module to check updates
Object.assign(process.env, { YTDL_NO_UPDATE: true });
* The audio format options for the `ytdl.downloadFromInfo()` function.
* @private
* @default
* @type {ytdl.chooseFormatOptions}
quality: 140,
filter: 'audioonly'
// region Helpers
* Validates a YouTube URL.
* This function validates a YouTube URL and throws an error if it is not valid.
* @param {string | URL} url - The URL to validate.
* @param {boolean} [verbose=false] - Whether to log verbose messages or not.
* @throws {TypeError} If the URL is not a string nor an instance of `URL`.
* @throws {Error} If the input URL is not valid.
* @package
* @since 1.0.0
function validateYTURL(url, verbose=false) {
if (!url || !(typeof url === 'string' || url instanceof URL)) {
throw new TypeError(`Invalid type of URL: ${typeof url}`);
// Parse the given URL string
url = (typeof url === 'string') ? new URL(url) : url;
verbose && log.info('Validating URL, please wait...');
if (URLUtils.validateUrl(url)) {
verbose && log.done('\x1b[92m\u2714\x1b[0m URL is valid');
} else {
verbose && log.error('\x1b[91m\u2716\x1b[0m URL is invalid');
throw new Error('Invalid URL: ' + url);
* Resolves and validates download options.
* This function ensures the provided download options are correctly typed and
* assigns default values where necessary.
* @param {Object} options - The options object.
* @param {?(DownloadOptions | Object | undefined)} options.downloadOptions
* The download options to resolve and validate.
* @returns {DownloadOptions} The resolved download options. This object can be passed
* safely to {@link module:ytmp3~singleDownload `singleDownload`} or
* {@link module:ytmp3~singleDownload `singleDownload`} function.
* @throws {TypeError} If the given argument is non-null, but also not an object type.
* And if any of the options have incorrect type.
* @public
* @since 1.0.0
function resolveDlOptions({ downloadOptions }) {
* Throws a `TypeError` with a message indicating the expected type for a property.
* @param {string} prop - The name of the property.
* @param {string} type - The actual type of the property.
* @param {string} expectedType - The expected type of the property.
* @throws {TypeError} Throws a `TypeError` with a descriptive message.
* @private
* @since 1.0.0
function throwErr(prop, type, expectedType) {
const m = `Unknown type of \`downloadOptions.${prop}\` property. `
+ `Got '${type}', expected is '${expectedType}' type`;
throw new TypeError(m);
* Determines the type of a given value, differentiating between arrays, null, and objects.
* @param {any} x - The value to determine the type of.
* @returns {string} The determined type of the value.
* @private
* @since 1.0.0
function getTypeOf(x) {
// `typeof []` and `typeof null` are always returns 'object', which is ambiguous
return Array.isArray(x) ? 'array' : ((x === null) ? 'null' : typeof x);
// Throw an error if the given options is not an object
if (downloadOptions && (
Array.isArray(downloadOptions) || typeof downloadOptions !== 'object')
) {
throw new TypeError('Unknown type of `downloadOptions`: ' + typeof downloadOptions);
const cwd = (downloadOptions?.cwd && typeof downloadOptions.cwd !== 'string')
&& throwErr('cwd', getTypeOf(downloadOptions.cwd), 'string')
|| (downloadOptions?.cwd
? (path.isAbsolute(downloadOptions.cwd)
? downloadOptions.cwd
: path.resolve(downloadOptions.cwd)
: path.resolve('.') // Fallback value
// Ensure it is an object
downloadOptions = (!downloadOptions) ? {} : downloadOptions;
return {
// ==> downloadOptions.cwd
// ==> downloadOptions.outDir
outDir: (
(downloadOptions.outDir && typeof downloadOptions.outDir !== 'string')
&& throwErr('outDir', getTypeOf(downloadOptions.outDir), 'string')
|| (downloadOptions.outDir
? (path.isAbsolute(downloadOptions.outDir)
// If the specified `outDir` is an absolute path,
// do not resolve the path to relative to the `cwd`
? downloadOptions.outDir
: path.join(cwd, downloadOptions.outDir)
: path.resolve('.') // Fallback value
// ==> downloadOptions.convertAudio
convertAudio: (
(downloadOptions.convertAudio === null
|| typeof downloadOptions.convertAudio === 'undefined')
? true // Fallback value
: (downloadOptions.convertAudio && typeof downloadOptions.convertAudio !== 'boolean')
&& throwErr('convertAudio', getTypeOf(downloadOptions.convertAudio), 'boolean')
|| downloadOptions.convertAudio
// ==> downloadOptions.converterOptions
converterOptions: (
&& (
|| typeof downloadOptions.converterOptions !== 'object'
&& throwErr('converterOptions', getTypeOf(downloadOptions.converterOptions), 'object')
|| downloadOptions.converterOptions
) || defaultAudioConvOptions // Fallback value
// ==> downloadOptions.quiet
quiet: (
(downloadOptions.quiet === null || typeof downloadOptions.quiet === 'undefined')
? false // Fallback value
: (downloadOptions.quiet && typeof downloadOptions.quiet !== 'boolean')
&& throwErr('quiet', getTypeOf(downloadOptions.quiet), 'boolean')
|| downloadOptions.quiet
// region Core Functions
* Retrieves information for multiple YouTube videos sequentially.
* This function accepts multiple YouTube URLs and retrieves information for each
* video sequentially. It processes each URL one by one, ensuring that the next
* URL is processed only after the previous one is complete.
* @param {...(string | URL)} urls - The YouTube video URLs to fetch information
* for. Each URL can be either a string or a URL object.
* @returns {Promise<ytdl.videoInfo[]>} A promise that resolves to an array of video
* information objects.
* @throws {Error} If any of the provided URLs are invalid, validated using
* `validateURL` function from `ytdl-core` module.
* @example
* const videoUrls = [
* 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abcd1234',
* 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxyz5678'
* ];
* getVideosInfo(...videoUrls).then(videoInfos => {
* console.log(videoInfos);
* }).catch(error => {
* console.error('Error fetching video info:', error);
* });
* @async
* @public
* @since 0.2.0
async function getVideosInfo(...urls) {
if (!urls) return [];
urls = urls.filter(url => !!url);
const results = [];
for (let url of urls) {
url = (url instanceof URL) ? url.href : url?.trim();
if (!URLUtils.validateUrl(url)) throw new URIError(`Invalid URL: ${url}`);
results.push((await ytdl.getInfo(url)));
return results;
* Writes error details and associated video information to a log file.
* This function creates or appends to a log file in the {@link module:utils~LOGDIR `LOGDIR`}
* directory, logging the error message along with relevant video data. If the log file is empty
* after writing, it will be deleted, and the function returns `false`. Otherwise, it
* returns `true` to indicate successful logging.
* The error message is written to the log file in the following format:
* ```txt
* [ERROR] <error message>
* Title: <video title>
* Author: <video author>
* Channel ID: <video channel ID>
* Viewers: <video viewers>
* URL: <video URL>
* ---------------------------------------------
* ```
* Immediately return `false` if the given log file name is invalid. The error log
* will be in the {@link module:utils~LOGDIR `LOGDIR`} directory.
* @param {string} logfile - The name of the log file where the error details should be written.
* @param {VideoData | Object} videoData - An object containing information about the video associated
* with the error.
* @param {Error} [error] - The error object, optional. If not provided,
* an error message will be `'Unknown error'`.
* @returns {Promise<boolean>} A promise that resolves to `true` if the log was written
* successfully, otherwise `false`.
* @async
* @package
* @since 1.0.0
async function writeErrorLog(logfile, videoData, error) {
if (!logfile || typeof logfile !== 'string') return false;
logfile = path.join(LOGDIR, path.basename(logfile));
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const logStream = fs.createWriteStream(logfile, { flags: 'a+', flush: true });
// Write the necessary video information to the log file
logStream.write(`[ERROR] ${error?.message || 'Unknown error'}${os.EOL}`);
logStream.write(` Title: ${videoData.title}${os.EOL}`);
logStream.write(` Author: ${videoData.author}${os.EOL}`);
logStream.write(` Channel ID: ${videoData.channelId}${os.EOL}`);
logStream.write(` Viewers: ${videoData.viewers}${os.EOL}`);
logStream.write(` URL: ${videoData.videoUrl}${os.EOL}`);
logStream.on('finish', () => resolve(true));
logStream.on('error', (err) => {
if (!logStream.destroyed) logStream.destroy();
* Downloads audio from multiple YouTube videos sequentially.
* @param {...(string | URL)} urls - The URLs to download audio from.
* Each URL can be a string or a URL object.
* @yields {Promise<DownloadResult>} A promise that resolves to an object containing
* video information, video data, and a download stream.
* @async
* @generator
* @package
* @since 1.0.0
async function* downloadAudio(...urls) {
// Map the URLs to strings, converting URL objects
// to strings and trimming whitespace
urls = urls.map((url) => ((url instanceof URL) ? url.href : url).trim());
// Regex to replace illegal characters in file names with underscores
const illegalCharRegex = /[<>:"/\\|?*]/g;
// Fetch video information for each URL
for (const info of (await getVideosInfo(...urls))) {
* @ignore
* @type {VideoData}
const data = {
format: ytdl.chooseFormat(info.formats, AUDIO_FMT_OPTIONS),
title: info.videoDetails.title.replace(illegalCharRegex, '_'),
author: info.videoDetails.author.name,
videoUrl: info.videoDetails.video_url,
videoId: info.videoDetails.videoId,
channelId: info.videoDetails.channelId,
viewers: info.videoDetails.viewCount
// Yield the video information, processed data, and download stream
yield Object.freeze({
videoInfo: info,
videoData: data,
download: ytdl.downloadFromInfo(data.info, {
format: data.format
* @param {!Readable} readable - The readable stream to process.
* @param {Object} data - The data object containing video information, video data, and an output stream.
* @param {VideoData} data.videoData - The processed video data.
* @param {fs.WriteStream} data.outStream - The output stream to write to.
* @param {string} data.errLogFile - The error log file for logging errors during download.
* @param {ProgressBar} data.progressBar - The progress bar object.
* @param {boolean} verbose - Whether to display progress bar and error message to the terminal or not.
* @async
* @package
* @since 1.0.0
async function downloadHandler(readable, data, verbose=false) {
data = (!data) ? {} : data; // Ensure data is an object
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Set up event listeners for the download stream
.on('progress', (_chunk, bytesDownloaded, totalBytes) => {
verbose && process.stdout.write(
data.progressBar.create(bytesDownloaded, totalBytes));
.on('end', () => {
verbose && log.done(`Download finished: \x1b[93m${data.videoData.title}\x1b[0m`);
.on('error', (err) => {
verbose && log.error(`Download failed: ${data.videoData.title}`);
// Close the output stream if it's still open
data.outStream.closed || data.outStream.close();
writeErrorLog(data.errLogFile, data.videoData, err).then(() => reject(err));
// Handle the output file stream
.on('error', (err) => {
if (verbose) {
log.error(`Unable to write to file: ${data.outStream.path}`);
console.error(`Caused by: ${err.message}\n`);
if (fs.existsSync(data.outStream.path)) {
// Delete the incomplete download file if exists
throw err;
* Downloads audio from a single YouTube URL and saves it to the output directory.
* @param {!(string | URL)} inputUrl - The URL of the YouTube video to download audio from.
* @param {?(DownloadOptions | Object | undefined)} [downloadOptions]
* Options to configure the download process. If not specified, it will automatically uses default options.
* @returns {Promise<string>} A promise that resolves a string representating
* the output file when the download completes
* or rejects if an error occurs.
* @throws {Error} If there is an error occurs during download process.
* @throws {TypeError} If the input URL is not a string nor an instance of URL.
* @example
* singleDownload('https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=<VIDEO_ID>')
* .then(outFile => console.log(outFile))
* .catch(err => console.error('Download failed:', err));
* @async
* @public
* @since 1.0.0
async function singleDownload(inputUrl, downloadOptions) {
inputUrl = (inputUrl instanceof URL) ? inputUrl.href : inputUrl?.trim(); // Trim any whitespace
downloadOptions = resolveDlOptions({ downloadOptions });
const { quiet } = downloadOptions;
const progressBar = new ProgressBar(); // Initialize progress bar with default options
// Check if the output directory exists
await createDirIfNotExist(downloadOptions.outDir);
// Validate the given URL
validateYTURL(inputUrl, !quiet);
quiet || log.info('Processing the video data...');
const gen = downloadAudio(inputUrl);
// Get the video information and download stream
const { videoData, download } = (await gen.next()).value;
// Create a write stream for the output file
const outStream = fs.createWriteStream(
path.join(downloadOptions.outDir, `${videoData.title}.m4a`));
const errLogFile = createLogFile(); // Create a log file
quiet || log.info(`Starting download \x1b[93m${videoData.title}\x1b[0m ...`);
try {
await downloadHandler(download, {
videoData, outStream,
errLogFile, progressBar
}, !quiet);
} catch (err) {
const errLog = path.join(LOGDIR, path.basename(errLogFile));
if (!quiet && fs.existsSync(errLog)) {
log.error(`Error log written to: \x1b[93m${errLog}\x1b[0m`);
throw err;
if (downloadOptions.convertAudio) {
if (await checkFfmpeg(false)) {
try {
// For the last touch, convert the downloaded audio to MP3 format
await convertAudio(outStream.path, downloadOptions.converterOptions);
} catch (err) {
if (!quiet) {
log.warn('Skipping audio conversion for this file');
} else {
quiet || log.warn('ffmpeg not found, unable to convert audio to specific format');
return outStream.path; // Return the output file path, only if succeed
* Downloads audio from a file containing YouTube URLs and saves them to the output directory.
* This function is similar to {@link module:ytmp3~singleDownload `singleDownload`} but accepts
* a file containing a list of YouTube URLs as input. If the given file is empty or does not exist,
* an error will be thrown.
* As of version 1.0.0, this function has been enhanced and made more robust, aiming at the download process.
* Previously, it only downloaded the first 15 URLs from the given file. Now, it downloads all of them sequentially.
* The function can now handle an unlimited number of URLs, downloading them one by one (also known as,
* sequential download) instead of all at once. Additionally, the download progress bar has been reworked
* to display more precise and colorful information in the terminal, providing users with better insights
* into the download process, and also more better and improved errors handling.
* @param {!string} inputFile - The path to the file containing YouTube URLs.
* @param {?(DownloadOptions | Object | undefined)} [downloadOptions]
* Options to configure the download process. If not specified, it will automatically uses default options.
* @returns {Promise<string[]>} A promise that resolves to an array of strings representing the
* successfully downloaded files or rejects if an error occurs.
* @throws {Error} If the file does not exist or is empty, and if there is an error
* occurs during download process.
* @example
* batchDownload('/path/to/urls.txt')
* .then(outFiles => console.log(outFiles))
* .catch(err => console.error('Download failed:', err));
* @async
* @public
* @since 1.0.0
async function batchDownload(inputFile, downloadOptions) {
// Resolve the given file path
inputFile = path.resolve(inputFile);
downloadOptions = resolveDlOptions({ downloadOptions });
const { quiet } = downloadOptions;
// Check whether the file is exist
if (!fs.existsSync(inputFile)) {
throw new Error(`File not exists: ${inputFile}`);
// Read the contents of the file
const contents = (await fs.promises.readFile(inputFile, 'utf8')).toString();
if (contents.trim() === '') throw new Error('File is empty, no URLs found');
// Split the contents into an array of URLs
const urls = contents.trim().replace(/(\r\n|\r|\n)/g, '{X}').split('{X}');
quiet || log.info('Validating URLs, please wait...');
urls.forEach((url) => validateYTURL(url, false)); // ! Keep the verbose parameter set to false
quiet || process.stdout.write(
`${log.DONE_PREFIX} \x1b[92m\u2714\x1b[0m All URLs is valid\n`);
const progressBar = new ProgressBar(); // Initialize progress bar with default options
// Ensure that the output directory exists
await createDirIfNotExist(downloadOptions.outDir);
const gen = downloadAudio(...urls);
// Initialize arrays to store the success and failed downloads
const allDownloads = [],
successDownloads = [],
failedDownloads = [],
failedConverts = [];
// Create a log file for later logging the error during download
const errLogFile = createLogFile();
quiet || log.info(`Starting batch download from file \x1b[93m${
path.basename(inputFile)}\x1b[0m ...`);
for (let next = await gen.next(); !next.done; next = await gen.next()) {
// Get the video information and download stream
const { videoData, download } = next.value;
const outFile = path.join(downloadOptions.outDir, `${videoData.title}.m4a`);
// Create a write stream for the output file
const outStream = fs.createWriteStream(outFile);
try {
await downloadHandler(download, {
videoData, outStream,
errLogFile, progressBar
}, !quiet);
/* eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
In this case, we don't need to do anything with the error,
just continue the downloads and brief the download errors
to user on the download summary afterwards */
} catch (_err) {
// * Do not throw, continue download remaining audios if any
if (downloadOptions.convertAudio) {
if (await checkFfmpeg(false)) {
for (const file of successDownloads) {
try {
await convertAudio(file, downloadOptions.converterOptions);
} catch (err) {
if (!quiet) {
log.warn('Skipping audio conversion for one file');
// * Keep continue
} else {
quiet || log.warn('ffmpeg not found, unable to convert audio to specific format');
// :: Downloads Summary
if (!quiet) {
console.log('\n\x1b[1m[DOWNLOADS SUMMARY]\x1b[0m');
allDownloads.forEach((title) => {
const downloaded = successDownloads.includes(title);
title = path.basename(title); // Trim the path
console.log((downloaded ? '\x1b[2m' : '\x1b[1m') +
` [${downloaded ? '\u2714' : ' '}] ${(downloaded ? '' : '\x1b[91m') + title}\x1b[0m`);
log.done('All done, with '
+ `\x1b[96m${failedDownloads.length}\x1b[0m download errors and `
+ `\x1b[96m${failedConverts.length}\x1b[0m convert errors`);
const errLog = path.join(LOGDIR, path.basename(errLogFile));
if ((failedDownloads.length > 0) && fs.existsSync(errLog)) {
log.error(`Error logs written to: \x1b[93m${errLog}\x1b[0m`);
return successDownloads;
module.exports = Object.freeze({