conio_lt 0.2.0
A lite version of the 'conio.h' library for Unix-like systems.
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Welcome to conio_lt Documentation

Welcome to the documentation for conio_lt - a lite version of the <conio.h> header file tailored for Unix-like systems. This library provides functionality reminiscent of the classic <conio.h> library, commonly used in older DOS environments.

What is <conio.h>?

The <conio.h> header file, short for console input/output, has a history rooted in the MS-DOS era. It provided a set of functions for simple console-based input and output operations, making it popular for text-based user interfaces. However, <conio.h> is not a standard part of the C language and is often considered non-portable.

If you want to know more about <conio.h> library in C programming language, see this wiki page.

The Purpose of conio_lt

The mission of conio_lt is to provide a streamlined adaptation of the functionalities found in <conio.h> for Unix-like systems, including Linux and macOS. Acting as a bridge, it caters to developers accustomed to the straightforward console manipulations facilitated by <conio.h>, offering them similar features on contemporary platforms.

Now, regarding the distinction between conio.h and conio_lt.h – yes, they differ. conio_lt.h is a refined, lightweight version of the conio.h library. The key disparity lies in the fact that this library does not offer full control over the terminal screen, omitting functionalities like textcolor, textbackground, window, and others. This intentional omission keeps the focus of conio_lt.h on essential functionalities, keeps it minimal and efficient experience.

While conio_lt.h intentionally forgoes full control over the terminal screen, it introduces unique functions absent in the conio.h library. Functions like gotox, gotoy, and wherexy provide developers with additional flexibility in managing their console-based application projects. These additions enrich the toolkit available to developers, allowing for more versatile and efficient handling of console applications. Check the Available APIs to see all implemented APIs in conio_lt.h library.


Available APIs

Offers a concise set of functions commonly used for console-based applications.

API Description
clrscr() Clears the terminal screen.
rstscr() Clears and resets the terminal screen.
getch() Reads a single character from the standard input.
getche() Reads a single character from the standard input and echoes it.
gotoxy(cpos_t, cpos_t) Moves the cursor to specified coordinates on the terminal screen.
gotox(cpos_t) Moves the cursor position to specified X-coordinate, leaving Y-coordinate unchanged.
gotoy(cpos_t) Moves the cursor position to specified Y-coordinate, leaving X-coordinate unchanged.
putch(int) Writes a character to the standard output (stdout).
ungetch(int) Pushes a character back onto the input stream (stdin).
wherex() Retrieves the current X-coordinate of the cursor on the terminal screen.
wherey() Retrieves the current Y-coordinate of the cursor on the terminal screen.
wherexy(cpos_t*, cpos_t*) Retrieves the current X and Y coordinates of the cursor on the terminal screen.

Bored with this page and want to jump straight to the APIs documentation? Let's dive into it!! 🔥


conio_lt is crafted to seamlessly operate on Unix-like systems, embracing the diversity of both non-rooted and rooted devices within Termux Android. Its compatibility extends to the Windows world, playing nice with Borland C++. For a smooth Windows experience, consider teaming it up with Git Bash and MinGW when venturing beyond the bounds of Borland C++.

While you can technically compile this library into your Borland C++ application, successful compilation doesn't guarantee a seamless performance in the Windows shell environment (think Command Prompt or PowerShell). This is because the conio_lt is intricately designed for Unix-like systems, relying heavily on control sequences. To ensure your creation takes center stage, we recommend the reliable Git Bash as your go-to runner shell.


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Installation Steps

Install as an internal library

Requires Administrator or root privileges. This installation is specific to Unix-like systems. For Borland C++, copy it to the location where Borland C++ searches its libraries, depending on the installation directory.
sudo cp conio_lt/conio_lt.h /usr/include

Alternative way is that you can install it as an external library, see Install as an external library.

NOT RECOMMENDED for Termux users, especially for non-rooted devices. Check the Installation for Termux Android section for safe installation.

Install as an external library

cp conio_lt/conio_lt.h "path/to/your_project"
Replace "path/to/your_project" with the actual path to your project directory.

Installation for Termux Android

For safe installation in Termux, we can copy the header file to Termux's include directory and making it accessible for development.

cp conio_lt/conio_lt.h $PREFIX/include
conio_lt supports both non-root and rooted devices on Termux. The PREFIX environment variable typically points to "~/../usr", with the tilde (~) representing the home directory on Unix-like systems.

After successfully following the Install as an internal library (which also covers Installation for Termux Android), you're all set to bring in the magic of conio_lt.h into your project.

/* Import conio_lt.h from system libraries */
#include <conio_lt.h>
conio_lt library is a lightweight adaptation of the <conio.h> library designed for Unix-like systems.

If you encounter an error while importing the header file using the code above, double-check that you've diligently followed the installation instructions. Ensure that you've copied conio_lt.h to the appropriate system libraries, which would be /usr/include or, in the case of Termux on Android, $PREFIX/include.

If the issue persists, consider reporting it here. Providing detailed information, including the version you're using and the operating system, will help us address it swiftly. We appreciate your feedback! 🚀


Shoutout to the brain behind the inspiration for this project, @zoelabbb and their awesome work on @zoelabbb/conio.h. 🌟


Feel free to contribute to the improvement and extension of conio_lt. Check out the GitHub repository for the latest updates.

Further Information

Now, let's dive into the details of the functions provided by conio_lt. Whether you are new to <conio.h> or a seasoned developer, this documentation will guide you through the features and usage of conio_lt to enhance your console-based applications.

Visit this link to refer to the APIs documentation of conio_lt.