Source code for jmbuilder.core

"""JMBuilder's core module.

Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Ryuu Mitsuki.

import os as _os
import sys as _sys
import re as _re
from datetime import datetime as _dt, timezone as _tz
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union, TextIO
from warnings import warn as __warn
import bs4 as _bs4

from . import utils as _jmutils
from . import exception as _jmexc

    from ._globals import AUTHOR, VERSION, VERSION_INFO
except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError, ValueError):
    from pathlib import Path

    # Add a new Python search path to the first index
    _sys.path.insert(0, str(Path(_sys.path[0]).parent))
    del Path

    from jmbuilder._globals import AUTHOR, VERSION, VERSION_INFO

CORE_ERR: _jmexc.JMException = _jmexc.JMException(
    _os.linesep + '  CORE ERROR: An error occurred in core module.')

__all__ = ['PomParser', 'JMRepairer']

[docs]class PomParser: """ A class that provides an easy way to parse and retrieve useful information from the provided POM file. Parameters ---------- soup : BeautifulSoup A `bs4.BeautifulSoup` object representing the parsed POM file. """ def __init__(self, soup: _bs4.BeautifulSoup) -> 'PomParser': """Create a new instance of ``PomParser`` class.""" if not isinstance(soup, _bs4.BeautifulSoup): # Raise an error raise TypeError(f'Invalid instance class: {soup.__class__}') \ from CORE_ERR self.soup: _bs4.BeautifulSoup = soup self.project_tag: _bs4.element.Tag = soup.find('project')
[docs] @staticmethod def parse(pom_file: str, encoding: str = 'UTF-8') -> 'PomParser': """ Parse the POM file (``pom.xml``) and return an instance of this class. Remove comments and blank lines to keep the POM clean. Parameters ---------- pom_file : str The path of the pom.xml file to be parsed. encoding : str, optional The encoding used while parsing the pom.xml file. Defaults to UTF-8. Returns ------- PomParser : An instance of this class. """ try: # Read and convert the pom.xml file to BeautifulSoup object soup: _bs4.BeautifulSoup = _bs4.BeautifulSoup( ''.join(_jmutils.readfile(pom_file, encoding=encoding)), 'xml') # Find the comments using lambda, then extract them for element in soup(text=lambda t: isinstance(t, _bs4.Comment)): element.extract() except Exception as exc: raise exc from CORE_ERR # Return the instance of this class return PomParser(soup)
[docs] def printsoup(self, *, pretty: bool = True, file: TextIO = _sys.stdout) -> None: """ Print the ``BeautifulSoup`` object, optionally prettified, for debugging purposes. Parameters ---------- pretty : bool, optional If True, the BeautifulSoup object will be prettified for better readability. Defaults to True. file : TextIO, optional A file-like object to which the output will be printed. Defaults to ``sys.stdout``. Notes ----- This method is intended for debugging and allows you to print the current state of the ``BeautifulSoup`` object. The output can be customized with the `pretty` parameter to control prettification and the `file` parameter to redirect the output to a specific file-like object. Example ------- # Print the soup to the console standard output >>> soup_instance.printsoup() # Print and save the soup to the specified file >>> with open('output.xml', 'w') as f: ... soup_instance.printsoup(pretty=True, file=f) """ print(self.soup.prettify() if pretty else str(self.soup).strip(), file=file)
[docs] def get(self, key: Union[str, List[str]]) -> Optional[_bs4.element.Tag]: """ Find the element tag based on the provided key, which can be a string (separated by dots) or a list of tag names. The result could be a None, this means that element are undefined or the users has specified wrong element tree path. Parameters ---------- key : str or a list of str The key representing the element tree path. Returns ------- Tag or None : A ``bs4.element.Tag`` object representing the desired element tag, or ``None`` if the element tag is undefined or cannot be found. """ # Split the key if the key is a string keys: List[str] = key.split('.') if isinstance(key, str) else key # Find the element according to the first key result: _bs4.element.Tag = self.soup.find(keys[0]) for k in keys[1:]: # Break the loop if the result is None if not result: break result = result.find(k) return result
[docs] def get_name(self) -> Optional[str]: """Return the project name.""" # => name_element: _bs4.element.Tag = self.project_tag.find('name') return name_element.text if name_element else name_element
[docs] def get_version(self) -> Optional[str]: """Return the project version.""" # => project.version version_element: _bs4.element.Tag = self.project_tag.find('version') return version_element.text if version_element else version_element
[docs] def get_id(self) -> Dict[str, Optional[str]]: """Return a dictionary with 'groupId' and 'artifactId'.""" id_element: List[Optional[_bs4.element.Tag]] = [ self.project_tag.find('groupId'), # => project.groupId self.project_tag.find('artifactId') # => project.artifactId ] return { # Return a dictionary 'groupId': id_element[0].text if id_element[0] else id_element[0], 'artifactId': id_element[1].text if id_element[1] else id_element[1] }
[docs] def get_url(self) -> Optional[str]: """Return the project URL.""" # => project.url url_element: _bs4.element.Tag = self.project_tag.find('url') return url_element.text if url_element else url_element
[docs] def get_inception_year(self) -> Optional[str]: """Return the project inception year.""" # => project.inceptionYear inc_year_element: _bs4.element.Tag = self.project_tag.find('inceptionYear') return inc_year_element.text if inc_year_element else inc_year_element
[docs] def get_author(self) -> Dict[str, Optional[str]]: """Return a dictionary with 'id', 'name', and 'url' of the project author.""" key: str = 'project.developers.developer' author_element: List[Optional[_bs4.element.Tag]] = [ self.get(key + '.id'), # => project.developers[0] self.get(key + '.name'), # => project.developers[0] self.get(key + '.url') # => project.developers[0].developer.url ] return { # Return a dictionary 'id': author_element[0].text if author_element[0] else author_element[0], 'name': author_element[1].text if author_element[1] else author_element[1], 'url': author_element[2].text if author_element[2] else author_element[2], }
[docs] def get_license(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """Return a dictionary with 'name', 'url', and 'distribution' of the project license.""" key: str = 'project.licenses.license' license_element: List[Optional[_bs4.element.Tag]] = [ self.get(key + '.name'), # => project.licenses[0] self.get(key + '.url'), # => project.licenses[0].license.url self.get(key + '.distribution') # => project.licenses[0].license.distribution ] return { 'name': license_element[0].text if license_element[0] else license_element[0], 'url': license_element[1].text if license_element[1] else license_element[1], 'distribution': license_element[2].text if license_element[2] else license_element[2], }
[docs] def get_property(self, key: str, dot: bool = True) -> Optional[str]: """ Return the value of the specified property key from the POM properties. Parameters ---------- key : str The property key. dot : bool, optional If True, split the key using dots. Defaults to True. Returns ------- str or None : The property value if found, otherwise, returns None. Raises ------ ValueError : If the provided key is an empty string or None. """ # Raise an error if the provided key is an empty string or None if not (key or len(key)): raise ValueError('Key argument cannot be empty.') # Remove the 'properties' string tag key = key.replace('properties.', '') \ if key.startswith('properties.') else key # Only split the dots if 'dot' argument enabled keys: List[str] = key.split('.') if dot else [key] # Add the prefix of 'properties' element tag if not dot or (dot and keys[0] != 'properties'): keys.insert(0, 'properties') # Append to the first index # This way, we can prevent an error due to NoneType use result: _bs4.element.Tag = self.get(keys) return result.text if result else result
[docs]class JMRepairer: """ A class for repairing manifest and properties files using information from a POM file. Parameters ---------- pom : str, PomParser, or _bs4.BeautifulSoup The POM file, either as a path (str), a `PomParser` instance, or a `BeautifulSoup` object. Raises ------ ValueError If the 'pom' argument is empty. TypeError If the type of 'pom' argument is unknown, neither of str, a `PomParser` instance, nor a `BeautifulSoup` object. Attributes ---------- _val_pattern : re.Pattern Regular expression pattern for extracting values from curly braces in strings. _soup : PomParser Instance of `PomParser` representing the parsed POM file. _pom_items : Dict[str, str (could possibly None)] Dictionary containing key-value pairs extracted from the POM file. """ def __init__(self, pom: Union[str, PomParser, _bs4.BeautifulSoup]) -> 'JMRepairer': """Create a new instance of this class.""" if not pom: raise ValueError("Argument 'pom' cannot be empty") \ from CORE_ERR if not isinstance(pom, (str, PomParser, _bs4.BeautifulSoup)): raise TypeError(f"Unknown type of 'pom' argument: {type(pom).__name__}") \ from CORE_ERR self._val_pattern: _re.Pattern = _re.compile(r'\$\{([\w.-\[\]]+)\}') self._soup: PomParser = None if isinstance(pom, str): self._soup = PomParser.parse(pom) # Need to be parsed first elif isinstance(pom, _bs4.BeautifulSoup): self._soup = PomParser(pom) # Pass directly to the constructor elif isinstance(pom, PomParser): self._soup = pom # Already an instance of PomParser project_id: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = self._soup.get_id() project_author: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = self._soup.get_author() project_license: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = self._soup.get_license() self._pom_items: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = { '': self._soup.get_name(), 'project.version': self._soup.get_version(), 'project.url': self._soup.get_url(), 'project.groupId': project_id['groupId'], 'project.artifactId': project_id['artifactId'], 'project.inceptionYear': self._soup.get_inception_year(), 'project.developers[0].name': project_author['name'], 'project.developers[0].url': project_author['url'], 'project.licenses[0].name': project_license['name'], 'project.licenses[0].url': project_license['url'], 'package.licenseFile': self._soup.get_property('package.licenseFile', dot=False), 'package.mainClass': self._soup.get_property('package.mainClass', dot=False), '':'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') } @classmethod def __write_out(cls, contents: List[str], out: str) -> None: """ Write the given contents to the specified output file. Parameters ---------- contents : a list of str List of strings to be written to the file. out : str Path to the output file. Raises ------ Exception If an error occurs while writing to the output file. """ parentdir: str = _os.path.dirname(out) if not _os.path.exists(parentdir): _os.mkdir(parentdir) try: with open(out, 'w', encoding='UTF-8') as o_file: for line in contents: o_file.write(f'{line}{_os.linesep}') except Exception as e: raise e from CORE_ERR
[docs] def fix_manifest(self, infile: str, outfile: str = None) -> None: """ Fix the given manifest file by replacing placeholders with values from the POM file. Parameters ---------- infile : str Path to the input manifest file. outfile : str, optional Path to the output manifest file. If not specified, the input file will be overwritten. Raises ------ ValueError If the 'infile' argument is empty. FileNotFoundError If the specified input file does not exist. """ if not infile: raise ValueError("Argument 'infile' cannot be empty") \ from CORE_ERR if not _os.path.exists(infile): raise FileNotFoundError(f'Cannot read non-existing file: {infile!r}') \ from CORE_ERR # When outfile argument not specified, then use infile # for the name of output file, which means will overwrite the infile outfile = infile if not outfile else outfile manifest: _jmutils.JMProperties = _jmutils.JMProperties(infile) # Fix the manifest for key, val in manifest.items(): new_val = self._val_pattern.match(val) if not new_val: continue new_val = new_val[1] if key == 'ID': manifest[key] = f"{self._pom_items['project.groupId']}:" + \ f"{self._pom_items['project.artifactId']}" elif new_val in self._pom_items: manifest[key] = self._pom_items[new_val] self.__write_out( [f'{key}: {val}' for key, val in manifest.items()] + [''], out=outfile )
[docs] def fix_properties(self, infile: str, outfile: str = None) -> None: """ Fix the given properties file by replacing placeholders with values from the POM file. Parameters ---------- infile : str Path to the input properties file. outfile : str, optional Path to the output properties file. If not specified, the input file will be overwritten. Raises ------ ValueError If the 'infile' argument is empty. FileNotFoundError If the specified input file does not exist. """ if not infile: raise ValueError("Argument 'infile' cannot be empty") \ from CORE_ERR if not _os.path.exists(infile): raise FileNotFoundError(f'Cannot read non-existing file: {infile!r}') \ from CORE_ERR # If the outfile argument were not specified, then use infile # for the name of output file, which means will overwrite the infile outfile = infile if not outfile else outfile # Parse the properties file properties: _jmutils.JMProperties = _jmutils.JMProperties(infile) # Fix the properties file for key, val in properties.items(): new_val = self._val_pattern.match(val) if not new_val: continue new_val = new_val[1] if new_val in self._pom_items: properties[key] = self._pom_items[new_val] self.__write_out( [f'{key} = {val}' for key, val in properties.items()], out=outfile )
__author__ = AUTHOR __version__ = VERSION __version_info__ = VERSION_INFO # Delete unused variables del AUTHOR, VERSION, VERSION_INFO del Dict, List, Union, Optional, TextIO if __name__ == '__main__': __warn( '''You are attempting to run this module directly (i.e. as main module), \ which is not permitted. It is designed to be imported, not as main module.''') _sys.exit()